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Mental health is an important part of our overall health. There is no health without mental health. How we think, feel, make choices, act, and relate to others all affect our mental health and quality of life. Did you know self-care activities can help us maintain mental health?

What is self-care and how does it apply to mental health?

Self-care means taking time to do activities that help you live well so you can be well. It’s an important aspect of our lives that is often ignored. Making even small changes in how we care for ourselves can positively impact our mental well-being.

There are self-care activities that may help you manage stress, lower the risk of illness, and increase your energy, all of which can help you improve your health, including mental health. Even the smallest self-care activity can affect your overall health!

What self-care activities may help me maintain mental health?

Below are a few self-care ideas from the National Institute of Mental Health to help you get started:

  • Get a good night’s sleep — A good night’s sleep is as important for mental health as it is for physical health. Quality sleep helps improve our mood, increase productivity and even our happiness. Try to stick to a schedule to ensure you’re getting a good night’s sleep.  You can find other sleep tips from BlueAnswers at
  • Explore relaxation activities — Meditation or breathing exercises send a message to your brain to calm down and relax, which may reduce increased heart rates, fast breathing and high blood pressure. Even scheduling short periods throughout the day to focus on deep breathing can help.
  • Decide what must get done now and what can wait — Remember, it’s okay to ask others for help if you start to feel you’re taking on too much. Prioritizing tasks can also help you decide what’s most important to get done first. Focus on your accomplishments each day, not what you haven’t been able to do.
  • Exercise regularly — Exercise releases feel-good endorphins and other natural brain chemicals that can improve your sense of well-being. Walking outside every day can enhance your mood and improve your health. Aim for 30 minutes of activity a day. And, 10 minutes at a time throughout your day still adds up.
  • Aim for balanced meals and drink plenty of fluids — A balanced diet and drinking plenty of water can enhance your energy and help you focus. Try to limit beverages  like coffee and soda because they contain caffeine, which can increase anxiety. You can find helpful ideas on how to improve your diet from BlueAnswers at
  • Be thankful — Gratitude is strongly associated with greater happiness. It can help us feel positive emotions, appreciate good experiences, improve health and deal with adversity. Make a list of the good things in your life. Taking a moment to be thankful for these experiences focuses your thoughts on happy times.
  • Turn negative thoughts to positive ones — Many of us play negative thoughts over and over in our minds. Challenge yourself to identify any negative, unhelpful thoughts you may have throughout the day. Then, make an effort to change them to positive thoughts or ideas. For example, a friend or work colleague may have been overly critical, and their comments stay in your mind. The key is not to dwell on their comments. Think positive thoughts about yourself, and focus on your strengths and what you want to accomplish instead.  
  • Connect with family and friends — Good social connections lower risks of depression and anxiety, while feeling lonely can increase these risks. Reach out to family members or friends who can give you emotional support. Social connection is important for our mental health just as loneliness can be harmful.
  • Listen to a podcast or read a book — Listening to an interesting podcast or making time to read, even if it’s just a few pages of your favorite book, are great self-care options that can help you relax.

It may take time to find what self-care activities work best for you. What works for you may be different for others. And that’s okay because we’re all unique. Find what activities help and you enjoy doing. Remember to make your self-care time fun!

Where can I learn more about improving my mental health?

Here are a few resources for more information:

  • Visit or call one of our Florida Blue Centers and talk with one of our Community Specialists. They can help connect you to resources in your area and answer any questions you have. Visit your local center or call 1-877-352-5830 to speak to a community specialist. Our Centers are available to anyone, whether you’re a member or not. Click here to watch some short videos about how our Community Specialists can help.
  • meQuilibrium1 is an online mental well-being program designed to help you face each day with confidence. By using meQuilibrium, you can build resilience, learn ways to combat stress and cope with anxiety, improve your sleep, and learn tips to help others cope with their mental health. It’s available at no extra cost with most health plans. Look for meQuilibrium in the Find & Get Care section of your member account.

Members can register for a Florida Blue health webinar. We offer different sessions on health-related topics that you may find helpful. If you’re not a Florida Blue member, you can find helpful mental health webinars on our YouTube channel. And, our Florida Blue Centers offer a mental health class every month that’s open to the public. Go to our Florida Blue Centers website to find more information about monthly classes.



1meQuilibrium is an independent company contracted by Florida Blue to provide health and wellness services and resources to members. This benefit is available to Florida Blue members age 18 and older. Eligibility is limited to members with an individual or family plan, an individual or family ACA plan and members with coverage from their fully insured group employer health plan.


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