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I make health and wellness goals, but I usually get frustrated and give up before I can achieve them. Do you have tools to help me be successful?

Many of us set health and wellness goals, like being more active or eating better, and get frustrated if we don’t meet them. These feelings of failure can cause stress and stop us from trying again. Instead of starting with only a big goal in mind, try setting micro-goals: small actions you can accomplish that take you toward a larger goal.

For example, instead of trying to set a goal to exercise an hour a day every day, consider starting with a smaller and time-bound step, like for the next month I’m going to take a short walk at lunchtime five out of seven days. Once you accomplish a micro-goal you move on to the next one.

This approach allows you to take small steps that can lead to big changes in all areas of your life. You can find articles, skill-building activities and other tools on goal setting on meQuilibrium, our digital mental well-being program that helps you build the resilience you need to meet life’s challenges. It’s available at no extra cost with most health plans.Once you’ve created your member account on, make sure to read 10 Resolutions for a Happier You on your meQuilibrium app.

Below are some additional tips and ideas you can use to set goals and change your health habits.

Setting goals is key. When you are looking to make a change to your lifestyle or behavior, setting goals is often the first step. The problem is many of us often set out to make a big change to improve our health, but end up abandoning our goals.

Typically, when people make health goals, they do so with their long-term goal in mind. But it’s hard for humans to stick to goals that are going to take a long time to achieve. Our brains are hard-wired to make choices that are immediately satisfying, which can challenge our resolve. Research shows that we’re more likely to stick to short-term goals, or micro goals.2

That’s why it’s always better to start small and take baby steps to reach your ultimate goal. Think of it as accomplishing a series of micro goals on your way to your big goal.

Develop an action plan. Think about your goal. Visualize where you want to be. Then think about the steps it will take to get there. Your micro goals should be those steps and actions you need to take to get to your ultimate goal. Maybe you want to change your eating habits and lose weight. Instead of deciding to cut your calories in half and revamp how you eat on the first day, maybe your first micro goal is to eat more protein at breakfast. Once you have tackled your micro goal, you can move on to the next one.

Also, consider whether your goal is realistic when combined with your other goals and responsibilities. How will you manage your goal with your competing priorities? Come up with a contingency plan to help you stay on track.

Looking for some ideas for micro goals you can establish to help achieve your goals? Here are some common big goals and some of the micro goals you can set first to get things moving:

  • Stop smoking. Call the Quitline3 at 1-800-QUIT-NOW to talk confidentially to a quit coach. Or talk to your doctor about ways to quit.
  • Get organized. Take 10 minutes every day this week organizing one area of your life.
  • Get out of debt. Call your Employee Assistance Program or a credit counselor for help in reorganizing and budgeting your finances.
  • Stop drinking. Talk to your doctor. If you are dependent on alcohol, it can be dangerous to stop drinking cold turkey. You may experience symptoms of withdrawal. Your doctor can help you stop safely.
  • Help others. Call your local hospital, zoo, shelter, or food pantry to learn about volunteer opportunities. Research shows that the benefits of volunteering include better health!
  • Take personal time. Take 10 minutes every day this week to meditate, pray, read, or walk.

Once you start taking the first small steps, your own imagination will lead you to the next small step — and the next. Before you know it, you will have achieved your end result!

One out of five U.S. adults experiences mental illness each year4. And over time, poor mental health can impact our physical health. Your mental health and physical health go hand in hand. That’s why taking care of your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health. Explore the tools and resources to help you improve your mental well-being and manage your mental health that are available in your member account on Once logged in, click Find and Get Care, then select Mental Well-Being.


1meQuilibrium is an independent company contracted by Florida Blue to provide health and wellness services and resources to members. This benefit is available to Florida Blue members age 18 and older. Eligibility is limited to members with an individual or family plan, an individual or family ACA plan and members with coverage from their fully insured group employer health plan.

3Quitline is a free information resource independent for Florida Blue designed to assist adult tobacco consumer with information regarding quitting from public health authorities.


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