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Better You Strides is Florida Blue’s online wellness solution that empowers your employees to take better care of themselves.

By connecting each employee to their personalized health Journey—a highly customized wellness plan—and rewarding them for healthy behaviors, employees can take an active role in their health. This can improve productivity, boost employee morale and reduce the cost of claims.

Better You Strides Can Help Improve Employee Health and Your Bottom Line

Your employees’ health and well-being affects their lives and their work. The impact to your organization is real and can cost you in productivity and health care expenses. Consider these recent findings:

  • Each year, productivity losses linked to absenteeism cost employers nearly $1,700 per employee.1
  • Inactive adults spend over $1,000 more on health care every year.2
  • Obesity-related health care costs exceed $150 billion each year.3

Florida Blue’s new digital wellness program, Better You Strides, powered by Onlife, can help improve your employees’ health and your bottom line.

Better You Strides creates a Personal Health Journey for each employee—a custom-made plan with recommended activities based on their interests, goals and health status. Employees complete activities at their own pace and track their progress online or with the AlwaysOn mobile app. For each program completed, employees can earn points toward rewards.

Employee Outreach

As part of our adoption efforts, your employees will receive a series of emails with directions on how to register for Better You Strides. Your Florida Blue sales representative can provide more educational materials you can share with your employees.

Want to Learn More?

If you’d like to learn more about Better You Strides, watch this short video or talk to your Florida Blue sales representative.






Florida Blue has entered into an arrangement with Better You Strides, an independent company, whereby Better You Strides has agreed to provide Florida Blue members with care decision support services, information and other services. Florida Blue has entered into this arrangement to provide a value-added service to its members. Please remember that all decisions that require or pertain to independent professional medical/clinical judgment or training, or the need for medical services, are solely your responsibility and the responsibility of your Physicians and other health care Providers. The programs mentioned above are subject to change. 

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