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Medication guides for covered drugs

A medication guide lists all the drugs your plan covers, plus any special rules to follow for certain medications. Each plan has its own medication guide:

  • If you’re already enrolled in a Florida Blue plan: You’ll find your medication guide under Pharmacy Resources when you log in to your member account.
  • If you’re looking for a plan and buy your own health insurance for you and your family: See what plans are available to you.
  • If you get your health insurance through your job: Check with your benefit administrator for your plan options, then see those medication guides below.1

The medication guide for each plan shows what tier a prescription drug is in. Tiers determine your cost share, which is the amount you’ll pay for your prescription. Plans may have two to seven tiers. Higher tiers have higher costs, and lower tiers have lower costs.

Do not print or save medication guides as they are updated regularly.

For more: Watch this pharmacy video or see ways to save on your covered medications.

Individual and family plans*

*Includes plans available on or off the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Small group employer plans

Medication guide for this health plan:

ValueScript Rx (6 tiers)

Medication guides for this health plan:

Care Choices (7 tiers)

Care Choices (for HSA plans) (7 tiers)

Medication guides for this health plan:

Care Choices (7 tiers)

Care Choices (for HSA plans) (7 tiers)

Medication guides for this health plan:

Care Choices (7 tiers)

Care Choices (for HSA plans) (7 tiers)

Plans offered through small group employers (fewer than 50 full-time employees).

Large group employer plans

Plans offered through large group employers (more than 50 full-time employees).

Medication guides for Medicare eligibles

The medication guides are updated monthly. Links are included below to the Medicare approved formularies and the most recent updates to the printed version of the medication guide for Medicare eligibles.

Please have your patient refer to the pharmacy endorsement or rider issued with his or her contract, Evidence of Coverage, member handbook or certificate of coverage to determine whether a particular medication listed is covered. If your patient is unsure about particular coverage/benefits or has questions about the medication guide, please have the member call the customer service number on his or her ID card. The fact that a particular drug is listed in the guide does not necessarily mean that it is covered under each member's contract, Evidence of Coverage or certificate of coverage.


1If you are not sure if your plan is a small, large, or self-funded group, please ask your benefit administrator.